Navy Commander Warns Foreign Nationals Attempting to Penetrate Bases ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

“This is Russian, Chinese. This comes from all these different nations. We’re seeing an uptick in it,” says U.S. Fleet Forces Command Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle.

Foreign nationals, many from Russia and China, have been attempting to penetrate military bases more frequently, a Navy commander warned Friday.

U.S. Fleet Forces Command Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle joined Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” to break down how attempted penetrations of military bases by foreign nationals “is happening more and more.”

“This thing of our military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we’re stopping these folks at the gate,” Caudle said.

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Co-host Bill Hemmer then cut in to ask, “A week?”

Caudle responded, “A week, at least. And this is just Navy alone, where we’re seeing folks trying to come in.”

Caudle continued, “A lot of times they have passports, they have papers, yes. But they’re in no way, shape, or form authorized to be on our base, and it’s really hard for us to tell the underlying motive for these type of cases.”

“This is Russian, Chinese. This comes from all these different nations. We’re seeing an uptick in it,” he added.

This comes amid reports Chechnyan nationals were recently found outside of a special forces officers’ home near a North Carolina military base with a telephoto lens on their camera.

Earlier this month, a pair of Jordanian nationals in a box truck were stopped from running through the security gate of the Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia and driving onto the military installation.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources told Fox News neither man has a criminal record in the U.S., and the FBI would not say if the suspects were on a terrorist watchlist.

Washington has also tracked about 100 incidents involving Chinese nationals trying to access American military bases in recent years.

In one incident, Chinese citizens were apprehended trying to gain entry at bases like Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska, where soldiers on one occasion searched a vehicle that had blown past a checkpoint and found a drone, according to troops who spoke with USA Today.

Meanwhile, the U.S. border remains open as thousands of unvetted illegal aliens pour into America daily, a fact that disturbed some illegal aliens who found it far too easy to enter the country.

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