"The Gaza I Know Is Gone": Israel's Rampage Continues as Survivors Struggle for Food, Water, Safety

Seg1 shehadaandpeopleflee

Israeli forces have killed at least 115 Palestinians and injured nearly 500 over the past two days, according to Palestinian health officials. This comes as Israel continues to carry out a brutal siege on northern Gaza, which has been described as a “surrender or starve” policy of ethnic cleansing. As the military demands that tens of thousands of Palestinians leave the north, senior government ministers are pushing for new Jewish settlements in Gaza. Meanwhile, images and video have emerged from northern Gaza showing Israeli forces separating Palestinian men from their families and taking them away. Almost all aid has been cut off to the region, with hospitals under siege and barely able to function. “It’s a deliberate strategy of humiliating, terrorizing and punishing the civilian population,” says Palestinian writer and analyst Muhammad Shehada, who is originally from Gaza and is following developments closely as chief of communications at Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Full article on the Democracy Now website at http://www.democracynow.org/2024/10/22/muhammad_shehada_northern_gaza_siege

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