Our Beloved!
You are within us, around us and beyond us
We feel you, we see you, we know you
You move us and breathe through us
Your heart is our soul
You gave us birth, we give you body
You gave us everything and so we will give our whole selves to you
We will be your song and your sword
Carried by the wind of your divine love
Burning with the fire of your vital spirit
Swelling with the ocean of your eternal becoming
We will root out the dark canker
That has laid us so low for so long
And bring back your light, your joy, your wisdom
To this precious place
The spirit of Sophia: wild air and wisdom
The spirit of Sophia: nature and grace
The spirit of Sophia: against Moloch and the machine
Source: https://paulcudenec.substack.com/p/the-spirit-of-sophia-our-promise
Article courtesy of Paul Cudenac. https://paulcudenec.substack.com/