WTF: Democrat Lawmaker Proposes ‘Child Sex Dolls’ for Pedophiles

Kentucky State Senator argues that “child sex dolls” will curb pedophiles’ urges to abuse children in the real world.

A Kentucky Democrat State Senator left her colleagues in disbelief after arguing in favor of providing pedophiles with “child sex dolls” to discourage them from acting on their impulses against children in real life.

State Senator Karen Berg in her argument before the legislature refused to use the term “pedophile”, instead opting to use the term “minor attracted persons.”

“…there are what they call ‘MAPS,’ minor attracted persons and – the limited amount of research that’s done on these dolls suggests that they actually, for people who are attracted to minors, that these dolls actually decrease their proclivity to go out and attack children,” Berg argued in video obtained by Robby Starbuck.

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“It actually gives them a release that makes them less likely to go outside of their home and what was interesting is the research did not support the same conclusions for people who were adult-attracted using dolls,” Berg added.

Adult-attracted? Must be a new term Democrats plan to use more in the future.

During her bizarre explanation, Berg admitted that “research is not very good and it’s not comprehensive” on the matter of sex dolls helping to curb child sex abuse before immediately claiming that “the research that is out there is conclusive.”

Fortunately, the GOP has an 82% majority in the Kentucky Senate so Berg’s insane proposition to aid in pedophiles’ fantasies isn’t going to make any headway. 

In related news, Democrats in Colorado just shut down a bill that would institute the death penalty for criminals found guilty of child sexual abuse and human trafficking.

Why are Democrats so quick to defend pedophiles?

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